1. Vision The vision of the Department of Geography is to provide excellent and quality education that will enable the students face the challenges of the twenty first century. To enable the student acquire both academic and professional education which is highly needed in the job market. To provide quality education so that graduates from the Department of Geography and Planning shall be not only self-employed, be employers and to serve efficiently wherever duty calls. The vision is also to graduate a new crop of young industrious and innovative Cameroonians proud of the name they carry. 2. Mission The mission of the Department of Geography and Planning is three-fold: To teach, conduct research and contribute to development through outreach activities. To meet these challenges it offers academic programmes leading to the obtention of degrees from the Bachelor of Science (BSc) through the Master of Science (MSc) to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). These programmes will help its teachers contribute to the growth of the nation and its graduates to meet the demands of an emerging economy in this age of globalisation. The Department of Geography and planning seeks to teach and to investigate issues of global significance, especially human impact on the earth, the management of valuable landscapes, and the planning of cities and regions. National and international researchers will offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities for students to understand and change a world full of critical problems and key opportunities. Graduates will be equipped with a portfolio of intellectual and technical abilities which will be highly sought for. The Department of Geography and planning will offer courses in a range of areas such as Human Geography and Physical Geography. They are theoretical, methodological and applied throughout the programmes.